EPP Group in the European Parliament

Press Releases of this organisation

Web accessibility for people with disabilities in public sector could become reality EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs
Third Health Programme (2014-2020): €450m and specific goals to meet health challenges of the 21st century EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Health & Consumers
Tough EU standards on tobacco products protect the youth EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Health & Consumers
Easier access to Europe for students and researchers EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Innovation & Enterprise, Languages & Culture
4th Railway Package: removing barriers for better passenger service and more jobs EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Transport
Implementation of the Youth Guarantee: more engagement necessary EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/26/2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Troika prevented worse, but needs fixes EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Euro & Finance
CO2 emissions from cars: Europe stays in the driver's seat with green cars EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Climate & Environment, Transport
European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps - 4000 volunteers to be deployed in disaster-hit countries EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Global Europe, Med & South, Social Europe & Jobs
Making it easier to confiscate criminal assets EU-wide EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs
EPP Group hails cars that alert 112 to save lives EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Health & Consumers
Own resources for the EU budget: EPP Group calls for a simple system to finance EU budget EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/25/2014 Euro & Finance
Joseph Daul hails the freeing of Yulia Tymoshenko EPP Group in the European Parliament Mon, 02/24/2014 Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs
Cheaper fees for Europeans when paying by credit card EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Euro & Finance
Ukraine: EPP Group calls on Foreign Ministers to exclude Yanukovich from club of democratic leaders EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Justice & Home Affairs
Enhancing Research & Innovation in the South of Europe EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Science & Policymaking
Frontex: new improvements to prevent further deaths at sea EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Justice & Home Affairs
European Public Prosecutor's Office: effective tool to fight annual fraud of 500 million euro EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs
Cheaper fees for Europeans when paying by credit card EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/20/2014 Euro & Finance
The Venezuelan government must put an end to the violence against its own people EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/19/2014 Global Europe
Do not kill your own Ukrainian people EPP Group in the European Parliament Wed, 02/19/2014 Global Europe, Justice & Home Affairs
European Parliament will have the last word on the election of the Commission President EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/18/2014 EU Elections 2014, Justice & Home Affairs
Moldova: one step away from visa-free travel in the EU EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/13/2014 Global Europe
Troika: Socialist inaction cause of high unemployment EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/13/2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Package Travel: more transparency for consumers EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/11/2014 Health & Consumers, Transport
Election of the European Commission President by the European Parliament makes the European elections more attractive EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/11/2014
Religious Violence: Socialists and Liberals turn a blind eye EPP Group in the European Parliament Tue, 02/11/2014
Swiss Referendum: freedom of movement not negotiable EPP Group in the European Parliament Mon, 02/10/2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Protests in Bosnia: violence is unacceptable but political leaders should listen to the wake-up call EPP Group in the European Parliament Mon, 02/10/2014 Justice & Home Affairs
Seasonal Workers: selective, not imposed migration EPP Group in the European Parliament Thu, 02/06/2014 Social Europe & Jobs
